Yesterday was saturday special for the Balinese people. Woke up in the early morning everybody weared their best traditional cloths. and then they went to the public temple,school temple and other temples that possibly are in the village.What day was actually yesterday? well ...for the Balinese hindu yesterday was The Saraswatiday ,the special day to worship the God of knowledge Sarasawati ,we celebatre this day every six months according the balinese calendar that consist of 210 days because based on wuku(lunar calendar) one month have 35 days ,so six months will be 210 days. The goddess of Saraswati is described by beautifull angle with four hand, each hand hold different thing. and standing up on Lotus flower so that why Lotus is considered as An holy flower because could live and grow in three different world. The root in the land, leaves in water and their flower in the air. So when you drive arround on the island yesterday you will see most of the balinese people use their traditional cloths. this is the REAL BALI.....
And at early morning of this day we go to the closest beach for BANYU PINARUH, kind of purification ceremony where all the people swim at the sea to reduce any bad influence or for a good luck. this is also another kind of what the real balinese must do in order the real bali tradition keep exist forever.....
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